Department for
Plastic Surgery
and Hand Surgery
Department for Plastic Surgery
and Hand Surgery
Director: Univ.-Prof. Dr. H.-G. Machens
Tel: +49 89 414 021 71

Migraine operation – a surgical approach to treat chronic migraine

Migraine is much more than just a severe headache. Migraine can be characterized by intense throbbing or pulsating sensation, affecting one area of the head and is commonly accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light, sound, or smell. Migraine attacks can cause significant pain for hours to even days. Although the underlying cause of migraine is not understood, there seems to be certain trigger points on specific areas of the head – forehead or temple – and neck that could lead to a migraine attack. In a migraine attack, the peripheral nerves situated at these trigger points can get compressed by the surrounding constricting muscles, thus causing the migraines.

Migraine surgery involves deactivation of these migraine trigger points. It is an alternative to patients when other treatments – conventional (commonly medications) and homeopathic (acupuncture, biofeedback) – are not effective. Latest studies show that a migraine operation can have positive effects in reducing the pain in an attack and even reducing the number of migraine attacks in the long run. We also offer Botox® as a conservative and noninvasive method. If the trigger area is between the eye brows or the forehead, the migraine operation can be performed simultaneously with an eyelid lift or forehead lift.

Contact and consultation hours

Office of Plastic Surgery Consultation
Melanie Paur
+49 89 4140 2176


Monday till Thursday: 08:00 a.m. –  04:00 p.m.

Friday: 08:00 a.m. –  02:00 p.m.

Please call in advance during office hours to schedule an appointment.